Trade Alert: Market notes, Daughter pics, and other commentary

Trade Alert: Market notes, Daughter pics, and other commentary

I spent the night lying next to Amaris, who’s growing and getting healthier all the time, til 3:30am. Ready to rock n roll today tho! What’s on your minds?

Markets commentary: I still think there’s room to the upside near-term as money managers and many investors still have quite a bit of money on sidelines as I’ve been saying. What move would be the most shocking right now? More strength? Probably. Not something I’m trying to somehow game in my portfolio as I’ll let our “Trading With Cody ebb and flow, tranche in and out, ride long-term tech Revolutions using the economic and market cycles to our advantage as we objectively analyze the Republican Democrat Regime’s impact on both” playbook do its thing.

Trade Alert: I’m going to go ahead and sell our $SNDK and move on. The stock’s not quite at the $86 takeover price probably because there’s a small risk that $WDC won’t be able to find the full debt it needs to make the deal happen as $85 of the takeover price is in cash: “To fund the SanDisk acquisition, Western Digital intends to raise new debt of approximately $18.4 billion.”

Is AT&T in trouble? I saw Cramer interview T-Mobile CEO John Legere on CNBC this morning and was very impressed once again with what John’s doing there and the vision he’s putting forth for his company. $TMUS is cleaning $T‘s clock and $T bought DirecTV at what will likely be its peak value as streaming displaces broadcast like satellite TV. Time to start shorting $T? AT&T’s 5.6% dividend is daunting to a short. I think I’ll go see what the premiums on the long-term puts are like. Any AT&T Wireless and/or T-Mobile users want to comment? Any DirecTV users out there thinking of canceling service?

$DTV and $DISH are likely losers in a new world of website and app streaming live sporting events.

This is cool: ” IBM’s Watson has its way. The cognitive computing wunderkind, known for its winning turn on Jeopardy!, is pairing its artificial intelligence with the mobile sensing power of Apple’s smartwatch AAPL -2.48% to create a health platform that can interact and adapt to each individual user. It’s the first time Watson’s super computing power will be used with the Apple Watch to transform how people manage their wellbeing. It all happens within an app called CaféWell Concierge, Powered by Watson.”… I’d look at investing in Watson if $IBM were to spin it out soon. That would be cool. I just can’t get excited about $IBM itself tho and it takes a lot to move the needle there.