Trade Alert: New Stock Pick For The Space Revolution

I have a new stock pick for us, a new way for us to get a little bit more capital in front of The Space Revolution. The company is called Momentus, it’s mostly focused on “last-mile satellite and cargo delivery” in space and it’s going public through a SPAC that currently trades with the symbol SRAC. I’m starting a small position in SRAC. But today’s write up on it is going to be just a heads up for you as I’ll send along the full analysis to you this weekend — because I need someone to work for me who can write a report about things like this.

If you’d like to work for me as an analyst (and otherwise supporting me daily at my work), I want you to write a TradingWithCody-like report about SRAC and send it in before Monday. I’ll publish the best reports that get sent in to me and I’d like to hire the person who writes the best one.

You know what I’ll be looking for in the report: 1) Why we invest in The Space Revolution. 2) How Momentus fits into The Space Revolution. 3) Valuation and expectations for future valuations for Momentum. 4) Anything else that will help me and my subscribers understand this company and the industry.

Here’s a reminder of how I approach investing through a Revolutionary framework…

The way to make biggest and safest returns in the markets is by finding the trends that are about to revolutionize the world and investing in the companies best positioned to profit from those trends.

I’ve spent my life finding these incredible opportunities. That’s what Trading With Cody and our community is all about.

What About Your Investing Philosophy?

My approach to investing is to try to find the most innovative companies in the most disruptive and revolutionary industries before the rest of Wall Street catches up to the trend.

The key to long-term out performance in the stock market is finding and owning the best and most revolutionary companies who are disrupting or creating new marketplaces that will have huge growth ahead. Say, like Apple, Facebook, Nvidia and Google were positioned to do back when the smartphone and search markets were just being created. I found each of those stocks and many other big winners for my subscribers and we’re still holding them.

After spending more than twenty years developing my approach to investing and trading, I’ve found that each proposed trade/investment (equity, options, cryptocurrencies, crowdfunding, etc) starts with questions like these:

  • Why will the trade work?
  • What can go wrong?
  • What’s the timeframe?
  • What’s the best way to play it?
  • What’s the downside risk to the trade?
  • What’s the potential upside of the trade?

Likewise, whenever I analyze an equity investment opportunity with a time frame of at least three years, I use several fundamental metrics to get a sense of the company’s valuation:

  • Balance sheet
  • Projected 2-3 year forward P/E ratio
  • Projected 2-3 year topline growth rate
  • Dividend yield (if any)

So anyway, I’m buying some SRAC as a speculative start up, venture-capital-like, long-term potential play on The Space Revolution. I’ll start small with mostly just SRAC common stock and add more in coming days and weeks.