Trade Alert: Selling, nibbling, covering, and, yes, UBER

I’m doing a little more buying today and rebalancing the portfolio too. I’m also adding a new name and I’m going to get cut one name to do so from the portfolio to do so.

I’m letting go of Intel here. The company’s guidance for the next two or three years in their recent investor meeting makes me wonder how they’re planning to get back to growth later.

I’m covering most of the IBB short.

I covered some of the GLUU short.

I nibbling some more WFC.

I nibbled some more BA.

I am buying a starter position in UBER. Remember this:

Apr 26, 2019 – Uber Will Price IPO At Less Than $100 Billion Valuation | Fortune

Well, UBER is presently down 40% from the $100 billion + valuation and nothing’s changed. Meanwhile, we Uber when we go anywhere. It’s already a verb and it’s clearly the dominant name in ridesharing. Tesla’s robotaxi fleet, if goes nationwide over the next few years, will certainly hurt Uber, but I like both companies’ valuations here a lot. And both are Revolutionary in their own way. Both leaders. I own both TLSA and UBER now. I’d like to short some LYFT and maybe another car manufacturer or two at some point, but not today.

More on all these names later.