Trade Alert: Recent trades and updates

Here’s what’s going on. Amaris is still in Albuquerque in the hospital ICU on a ventilator among other things. You can learn more about Amaris here. I’m headed to Albuquerque to be with her and her mother and sister this morning. I probably won’t write again til early next week. Thank you for understanding.

Here are few recent trades from the hedge fund and an update on some of the names I’d mentioned earlier.

Bought some APRN.

Nibbled more VZ, QRVO, INTC and most of the other longs.

Shorted some PIR.

Shorted some EFX.

Shorted some SVMK.

Took a small loss on the TTD short but kept some puts.

Took a small loss on the ULTA short but kept some puts.

Took a small loss on the IWM short but kept some puts.

Locked in the big gains on the M short but kept the puts.

Covered part of the MTN short for a small gain.