Trade Alert – Scaling into our new pick using the usual tranche buying approach

No Live Q&A Chat this week. Sorry.  I’m at the Dallas Airport on my way to NYC to speak at the All-Stars of Options Trading Expo. My speech is:

Friday, Sep 12, 201411:15 AM – 12:15 PM:Educational PresentationA Straightforward Approach to Using Options in Your PortfolioAstor Ballroom at the Marriott Marquis

And guess what — the one and only Rebecca Diamond, my former co-anchor of Happy Hour on Fox Business will be joining me at the Scutify booth Thursday. So be sure to come by if you’re in NYC.

Other than that, stocks are steady, I’m steady as she goes and am starting to buy some SNE Sony common stock as I’d mentioned yesterday. Getting started with buying SNE on some first small tranches here this week. Probably will have it up to about more than half a full position by the end of this week and then I’ll slowly add the rest to make it a full position in the next week or two after that.

Rock on.