Trade Alert: Several moves in the portfolio

Let’s hit on a few items here to start the week, starting with a couple Trade Alerts.

I’ve been continuing to build the TSLA long position, including today. If you can find 30 minutes, you should listen/watch this interview on YouTube from this weekend with Elon, all about Tesla’s AI and Autopilot.
0:00 Introduction
2:35 Start of conversation: Autopilot motivation
4:01 Display the vehicle’s perception of the driving scene
7:11 Algorithms, data, and hardware development
10:23 Edge cases and common cases in driving
12:18 Navigate on Autopilot
13:57 Hardware and software path toward fully autonomy
17:08 Driver supervision of Autopilot
20:13 Human side of Tesla Autopilot (driver functional vigilance)
23:13 Driver monitoring
24:30 Operational design domain
26:57 Securing Autopilot against adversarial machine learning
28:29 Narrow AI and artificial general intelligence
30:10 Physics view of love
31:53 First question for an artificial general intelligence system

I’m nibbling a little GLD.

I nibbled a little EA call options, about 10% out of the money dated out to May. Very risky trade, of course.

I’ve sold my SPOT entirely, closing out that long. While I like Spotify and think it will continue to grow, there’s just too much competition out there for streaming music and Amazon’s new service will add to it, at least for the US consumer of streaming music.

I’m slowly scaling out of the EWU and EWUS short positions. Though we are now down on our remaining positions in these hedges, they did indeed turn out to be much better shorts than the SMH and QQQ were when I traded those hedges for the other. I’d taken a few profits on the EWU/EWUS shorts/puts when we had the chance and I’m holding the remaining EWU puts, which are near worthless now.

Finally — don’t forget to join me tomorrow for this week’s Live Q&A Chat at 9am ET. Stocks, music, life, economy, hedge fund, sports? In the TWC Chat Room or just reply to this email and/or send us your question to

Disclosure: At the time of publication, the firm in which Mr. Willard is a partner and/or Mr. Willard had positions in some of the stocks mentioned above although positions can change at any time and without notice.