Trade Alert: The wild August market gyrations continue

All it took was yet another tweet tit for a tariff tat to get the markets are worried about The Great Trade War of the 21st Century.
Is the trade war going to create a US recession? Can it be resolved before one hits? I’ll write more about this stuff this weekend, but I wanted to get this Trade Alert out while the markets are in panicky sell-off mode. I’m covering a little bit more of some of my index shorts, like the SPY, IWM, SMH, but just about 20-30% of each of them. I’m leaving most of the the index puts in place but am trimming maybe 5-10% of the puts too.
Maybe nibble a little bit on some of the names you wish you owned more of.
Here’s a chart that I made that shows how wild the ups and downs in August have been so far:

Be careful out there. B