Trade Alert: Trading With Cody In Space (And A Request For More Military And Police Patches) AND THANK YOU!

Trade Alert: Trading With Cody In Space (And A Request For More Military And Police Patches) AND THANK YOU!

Okay, a few bookkeeping items to take care of and a thank you I want to extend.

First off, I am selling my Alibaba BABA today. I’m holding onto my JD which I bought back in the $20s a couple years ago as my only exposure to China. I’d written yesterday about the Top 5 Reasons For A Sell-Off but I didn’t today would be one which saw the market take ARKK down 6%, the SMH down 5% and many crappy small caps down 20% or more.

I’m mostly sitting tight today, having covered just a little bit of some shorts and trimmed a few hedges in the hedge fund on today’s sell-off. I don’t think it’s quite over but you never know. Easy does it.

Thank you to the very kind service members who sent me the Trading With Cody space patch. We give free Trading With Cody subscriptions to anyone who serves in the military while they’re active which has been a policy of mine since day 1 (people serving as active police officers also get Trading With Cody for free). Occasionally, I get a very nice thank you note from one of these subscribers and this one is amazing:

I proudly display this and the other patch I was sent from another military subscriber in my Tesla Model S Plaid rocket ship. If you’re reading this and you’re an active military member or police officer, I’d love to start collecting patches from each of you. I’ll be sure to share some additional photos as the patches come in. Thank you for always trying to protect my family, regardless!

If you have a patch you’d like to send, please send it to:

Trading With Cody Willard
PO BOX 249

Please keep yourselves as safe as possible out there. Thanks again to each of you who serve in jobs that are designed to help protect each of us.