Trade Alert – Trimming the Triquint as we look to exit and lock in a huge win

Tqnt to merge with rfmd. Both popped big this morningon the news and are up a full 20-30% in the early morning trading. Rock on and congrats.

I’m not an arbitrager, and I’ll likely be selling all of my TQNT over the next couple days. I will go slowly.

I’ll probably do it mostly tomorrow, but maybe will take off about 1/3 or more today. It’ll be impossible to time a perfect daytrading top for our exit on TQNT and I’m not even going to try. I will just scale out of my TQNT patiently and hope that overall I hit mostly near whatever the new near-term highs will be.

Some investors and analysts are talking about the possibility that a bigger company comes in and bids for TQNT and/or RFMD before this deal gets done, but I’m not going to let my capital sit there betting on that.

Huge win, time to start scaling out of it.