Trade Alert: Trump Has Coronavirus; Covering Some Shorts

First off, I pray and hope the President and anybody else with the Coronavirus recovers fully with no suffering. How does this affect our positioning though? It doesn’t. I’ve long explained that I don’t think who the president is matters as much to the country’s fundamentals or the stock market or the economy as most people do.

The markets are down big today, but that only brings them back to where they were, like, two days ago. The markets are still up from the lows they put in early last week where I suggested buying stocks and most of our stocks are still up bigger than the markets from those levels. Which means I don’t think these pitches today are quite as compelling as they were at those recent lows.

I’d rather buy than sell this dip, but mostly let’s continue letting the sitting do our work for us. I’m covering a partial bit of some index shorts again, but not doing much and haven’t done any outright buying here.

Easy does it. Wear a mask. Keep your distance. Be careful!