Trade Alert: Twitter Twim

Do you guys have an interest in doing a Conference Call version of our Weekly Live Q&A over the phone every few months? We could record it and make it a Cody Underground Podcast and publish the transcript afterward. Let me know and if there’s enough interest, we’ll work on setting it up.

Don’t forget this week’s Live Q&A Chat at 2pm EST at or on the Trading With Cody app.

Meanwhile, I’m going to do a little more portfolio balancing and maintenance and following our playbook. I’m going to trim about 1/8th of my Twitter, locking in part of a 30% gain.

Steady Betty market out there, huh? Calm before the storm of the next leg up or a scary pullback? Or just an indication of what’s to come? We don’t have to try to nail that answer. Just follow the playbook that got us. Be objective. Be smart. Be vigilant.