Trade Alert – Two drone nibbles, Trader’s Deep Thought of the Day, and must-reads

The S&P 500 keeps touching new all-time highs, but the momentum stocks in particular are getting hit pretty hard today. On the other hand, I’ve seen enough comments about tomorrow’s economic reports catalyzing a big move in the markets that I wonder if we’ll most likely just get boring trading action tomorrow. No rest for the wicked, as my grandpa used to say.

I’m adding another tranche of JDSU and INVN today. Just a small nibble on some common shares to build up these positions a bit more.

Here’s everything a Revolution Investor needs to be reading into the weekend.

The Return of the ‘All One Market’ Market – Trader’s Deep Thought of the Day is whether or not fundamentals matter at all right now of if pretty much every financial asset is being propped up by the Fed’s QE, 0% interest rates and a concerted effort to weaken the dollar to help exports and multinationals. The Fed’s Fisher sees a bubble. Hate to say I told you so, but I sure did predict this ongoing bubble blowing bull market five years ago. And be sure to check out Gary Tanashian on Scutify.

Pretty much everything about the real identity of bitcoin’s mysterious creator will surprise you – Fascinating if true. My favorite part is that his real name is in fact Satoshi Nakamoto. Born in Beppu, Japan, the descendant of Samurais and Buddhist priests, he and his mother immigrated to California in 1959. Now 64, with six grown children, he lives with his 93yr-old mom. Nakamoto’s $BTC now worth approximately $400 million, which according to my calculations means he still owns about 5% of the bitcoins currently in circulation.

Zynga Gets Its Game Back – I like the new $ZNGA CEO simply cuz he can’t mess up the company any more than the old CEO did when he drove it into the ground and we were able to sneak in and buy some when it was trading near its cash balance, much of which was created when the company came public at a wildly overvalued price. Anyway, I’m holding my remaining $ZNGA for a long time to come I expect.

Fuel cell makers continue to surge and The dark side of 3D printing – When the momentum lovers flee from one sector and into another, it can take a long time before the fundamentals catch up to where the momentum lovers have taken the valuations. That is, perhaps a lot of that money coming out of the the 3-D printing sector is likely what’s pumping up the fuel-cell and hydrogen-cell stocks that are on fire right now. I’m out of DDD and am planning on holding on my $XONE and $SSYS for a few more years.

Facebook Scores New High – If the momo in this market keeps escalating, the Facebook break out to new all-time highs today will likely have some more near-term upside. Not a game I’d want to play though. I just hold the $FB common I’ve had for a long time and if you don’t own any Facebook, I’d start with a 1/5 tranche here.

Facebook Inc (FB) To Buy Drone Maker Titan Aerospace – I recently added a couple Drone Revolution stock picks of INVN and JDSU and they’ve just been on fire. I can picture holding them for the next five to ten years if drone technology and other flying smart computers take off. Wearables are gonna be huge, but so are flyables. Ooh, I just coined a new term, “Flyable Computing.” What other stocks are going to lead the “Flyable Computing Revolution?” Hoohah.

Will Russia go to war over Ukraine? Don’t bet on it – Excellent write up from my old friend Vitaliy Katsenelson about what Putin’s plans were and how he’s already done most of what he set out to do.

Bernanke’s conference appearance earns him$250K – Helicopter Ben gonna get his own mitts on some of that bailout taxpayer money finally. Nice long con, Bennie!

And finally, the Scutify iPad app is now available and I sure think it rocks so be sure to check it out and let me know what you think.