Trade Alert – Two tech scale-ins and a thank you to our troops

A few days ago when Apple was up $70-$80 a share from where we’d most recently bought more AAPL calls, I trimmed some of them and reminded you guys:

Remember when Apple was at $700 and I pleaded with you guys to remember how painful a random sell-off can be so that you would trim some? That pain is still fresh in every AAPL-long’s mind and I think we can expect some more wild swings in AAPL for the next week or so at least.

Well, the stock has indeed given us more wild swings, as it’s now down $40 from where it was when I wrote that. The playbook calls to scale back into some calls on the weakness, buying back what I sold near the recent high. I’m buying some April 2013s with the $650 or so strike prices and bidding on some June $700s under the market in case there’s a big droop down before the close.

I’m also buying some Sandisk April calls with $40 or so strike prices. Just a tranche buy while it’s down and per my write up on flash in the smartphone/tablet world.

And don’t forget this week’s Live Q&A Chat at 2pm EST at If you can’t make it just hit reply to this email or send me your question to and I’ll get in included in the transcript.

And one other note — here’s some great feedback we got this weekend from a soldier serving our country. If  you know a soldier, please tell him/her that they can get a free subscription to while they’re serving by simply sending us a note with proof of service to Thank you to all the troops for serving our nation:

Hi to Cody and Everybody there,

Thanks for the great work. Since i’ve been following you i have
been doing better than in the recent past. So many people say
‘thanks’ i didn’t want to clutter up your in-box, and so there must
be a lot more people who love your insights and down-to-earth
straight-talk. i’m just writing to say thanks and to tell you i
think it’s great you are getting PTSD treatment, and to say Good
Luck! I’ve battled PTSD from military-related causes, and i can’t
thank you enough for giving me a subscription to your service,
where i am learning and re-learning a lot. with some financial
pressures at hand, it is great to have some market gains ‘off-
setting’ the other stuff. (i’m not over-invested, fyi.) stressful
as the market has been since the tech crash, your rational advice
and amazingly good, well-timed, and timely sent market calls are
much appreciated, and even make the investing experience fun again.
(it’s fun to be right, right?). In short, YOU have helped ME with
my PTSD by making my investing effort a saner venture then it
otherwise would be. Seriously. Happy Holidays to everyone there;
all of your work is vastly appreciated.


Thank you and happy holidays backatcha, Del, from all of us at TradingWithCody.