Trades for the week of April 23rd through April 27th

Here are my trades for the week of April 23rd thru April 27th:
Common Stock:
Stock Long or Short Action Date Initiated Time Initiated Price
AAPL – Apple Long Buy 4/24/2012 9:30am $564.57
SLV – Silver Short Buy to Cover 4/24/2012 1:30pm $29.90
LYV – Live Nation Short Buy to Cover 4/24/2012 1:30pm $8.50
DBA – Power Shares DB Agriculture Long Sell 4/24/2012 1:30pm $27.30
FIO – Fushion-IO Long Buy 4/27/2012 10:15am $27.00
Stock CALL or PUT Action Date Initiated Time Initiated Stock Price Strike Price Expiration Date
LVLT – Level 3 Communications CALL Buy 4/23/2012 10:45am $22.60 $25.00 Jan-13
GOOG – Google CALL Buy 4/23/2013 10:45am $592.53 $700.00 Jan-13
NFLX – Netflix CALL Buy 4/23/2012 10:45am $102.47 $100.00 May-13
APOL – Apollo PUT Buy 4/24/2012 9:30am $34.23 $35.00 Jan-13
JNPR – Juniper Networks CALL Buy 4/24/2012 1:58pm $20.13 $21.00 Jun-13
JNPR – Juniper Networks CALL Sell 4/25/2012 9:00am $21.58 $21.00 Jun-13
STX – Seagate CALL Sell 4/26/2012 10:50am $30.86 $27.00 Sep-13
STX – Seagate CALL Buy 4/26/2012 10:50am $30.86 $35.00 Jan-13
Have a great weekend, everybody!