Trades for the week of January 14th through Jan 18th

Here are my trades for the week of January 14th through January 18th:

Common Stock:
Stock Action Date Initiated Time Initiated Price
AAPL-Apple BUY 1/14/2013 10:40am $498.37
EWY-MSCI South Korea Index (Samsung short) SHORT 1/15/2013 2:47pm $62.30
IBM-International Business Machines SHORT 1/15/2013 2:47pm $192.01
PSO-Pearson COVER 1/15/2013 2:47pm $19.62
Stock CALL or PUT Action Date Initiated Stock Price Strike Price Exp Date
AAPL-Apple CALL BUY 1/14/2013 $498.37 $580-$600 Jun-13
FB-Facebook CALL SELL 1/14/2013 $31.61 $30.00 Mar-13
FB-Facebook CALL SELL 1/14/2013 $31.61 $30.00 Jun-13