Trades for the week of January 28th through February 1st

Here are my trades for the week of January 28th through February 1st:

Common Stock:
Stock Action Date Initiated Time Initiated Price
LNN-Lindsay TRIM 1/28/2013 2:40pm $92.57
BIDU-Baidu TRIM 1/28/2013 2:40pm $110.59
BRCM-Broadcom SELL 1/29/2013 2:18pm $33.78
NVDA-Nvidia BUY 1/29/2013 2:18pm $12.31
QCOM-Qualcomm BUY 1/31/2013 10:33am $67.12
Stock CALL or PUT Action Date Initiated Stock Price Strike Price Exp Date
AMZN CALL TRIM 1/28/2013 $277.36 $250.00 Mar-13
FB-Facebook CALL TRIM 1/28/2013 $32.35 $22.00 Jun-13
FB-Facebook CALL TRIM 1/28/2013 $32.35 $30.00 Jan-14
SNDK-Sandisk CALL TRIM 1/28/2013 $49.53 $40.00 Apr-13