Trades for the week of May 7th through May 11th

Here are my trades for the week of May 7th thru May 11th:

Common Stock:
Stock Long or Short Action Date Initiated Time Initiated Price
ZNGA – Zynga, Inc Long Buy 5/7/2012 12:30pm $8.28
FIO – Fushion-IO Long Buy 5/7/2012 12:30pm $22.07
LVLT – Level 3 Comm Long Buy 5/7/2012 12:30pm $25.02
NUAN -Nuance Comm Long Buy 5/11/2012 9:42am $22.30
ZNGA – Zynga, Inc Long Buy 5/11/2012 9:42am $7.66
Stock CALL or PUT Action Date Initiated Stock Price Strike Price Exp Dt
FFIV – F5 Networks CALL Buy 5/11/2012 $124.76 $120 to $130 Jan-13

Have a great weekend, everybody!