Trades for the week of November 5th through November 9th

Here are my trades for the week of November 5th through November 9th:

Common Stock:
Stock Action Date Initiated Time Initiated Price
JNPR – Juniper SOLD 11/6/2012 12:56pm $17.61
FIO – Fushion-IO BUY 11/8/2012 11:34am $22.99
BIDU – Baidu BUY 11/8/2012 11:34am $104.73
Stock CALL or PUT Action Date Initiated Stock Price Strike Price Exp Date
AAPL-Apple CALL BUY 11/5/2012 $580.00 $660 to $700 13-Apr
AMZN-Amazon CALL BUY 11/7/2012 $231.19 $250 13-Mar
AAPL-Apple CALL BUY 11/7/2012 $564.00 $700 13-Apr