Trading with Cody Chat room highlights, articles & links July 20th – 24th , 2015

Trading with Cody Chat room highlights, articles & links July 20th – 24th , 2015

* Please be sure to stop into the Trading with Cody chat room during the trading week. Exchange ideas / catch up for a few minutes with other members of the TWC community and ask our LIVE portfolio manager any questions.
*As always mark your calendars for Wednesday’s 2pm LIVE chat with Cody, where you can ask him anything.

Trades of the week Summary:

7/20/15- Bought $GDX Gold Miner ETF call options that will expire in December with strike prices from $14.50 to $15.50.

7/23/15 Sold last tranche of $GOOGL January 2016 call options.

Chat room Highlights:

@codywillard – We just had the $10 move I wrote about here: “With Apple shares down $10 in the last week and acting poorly into this earnings report, there’s a good setup for a $10 move or so after the report.” I wouldn’t want to have to game how $AAPL will trade after tonight’s report. Expectations are very high, and the stock is $10 straight up into the report. #GULP 🙂

@codywillard – Synaptics – This iPhone supplier is down along with just about every other Apple iPhone and Apple Watch supplier. Heck, almost every single semiconductor stock on the planet is down 3-7% today, and it’s just outright ugly in the chip world. I bought the bulk of my Synaptics stock when it was in the low $60s a few months ago and trimmed some in the $90s. I bought some of those shares back a couple weeks ago near $82. Synaptics is likely more than pricing in an ugly quarterly report and guidance here and the sell-off has been exacerbated by rumors that Apple’s going to internally develop their own touchscreen controller chips to replace Synaptics. Given that it would take at least a few quarters for Apple to do so, even if they’re successful in designing it in the next few quarters, I think that exacerbation probably gives the bulls the edge for both the near-term because any decent or especially a better-than-expected quarterly report would probably make this stock pop back towards $90 in a hurry. Of course, if the entire semiconductor supply chain is getting glutted up in the smartphone sector as Samsung struggles and Apple’s iPhone numbers weren’t good enough to offset that Samsung softness, then Synaptics could miss the quarter and guide down. And that, even with the current discount would likely take the stock lower anyway. I might nibble a little more Synaptics in the next few days if it drops down closer to $70, but the stock’s still 25% above my cost basis and I’m not in a rush yet.

Articles & Links:

Facebook Wants to Let You Buy Things From Retailers’ Pages


One mans take on $AMBA, $GPRO & $FIT which some here said yesterday that own and our own Tech revolution names.

39 Things I Learned in My 30s


11 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Business

Have a great weekend from Elad & the team at Trading with Cody.