Trading with Cody, weekly trade summary, articles & links August 17-21, 2015.

*Please be sure to stop into the Trading with Cody chat room during the trading week. Exchange ideas / catch up for a few minutes with other members of the TWC community and ask our LIVE portfolio manager any questions.

*As always mark your calendars for Wednesday’s 2pm LIVE chat with Cody, where you can ask him anything.

Weekly Trade Summary:

8/18/15- Added some $EZCH  at $22 with about a 1/4 full-sized position with plenty of room to add to it in coming weeks and months.

8/21/15- Sold a little bit of my $GDX call options that are now up more than double what we paid for them, selling about 1/5 or less of them.

8/21/15- Added some $SPLK common stock at $63.84

8/21/15 – Added some $SNE common at $25.20.

8/21/15- Added some Ambarella $AMBA common stock at $88 per share.

8/21/15- Added some Apple $AAPL common stock at $108 per share here right now.

Articles & Links:

Apple’s self-driving car racing toward reality:–reality-according–guardian-documents/31731359/


Teaching Is About Relationships”By Bill Gates


Google to companies: Be nice to hackers
So-called “white hat hackers” who manage to infiltrate a company’s network and then tell them about it should be thanked and paid, according to Google’s cyber chief.


Have a great weekend from Elad & the team at Trading with Cody.