Updates and chat
Okay, we expect to get Amaris home in the next week or so and she’s doing much better all the time. I love snuggling her in her bed overnight as I’ve done several times, but I did have to get a chiropractor fix up today. I promise you guys I’ll do some more in depth writing and analysis and update all my positions and more trade ideas and markets commentary and you name it — starting tomorrow with the Q&A Chat at 9am ET and with at least one post per day the rest of this week. I’ve got a couple new trades I will outline for you tomorrow too. Thanks again for understanding how hard it’s been to write with as much energy and focus as I am usually able to give to you dear Trading With Cody subscribers.
Email me or join the Live Q&A tomorrow at 9am ET. Join me in the TWC Chat Room or hit reply to this email with your question.
It’s late and I’m going to head home and get something to eat. See you bright and early in the morning!