Wearables, How to Revolution Invest, Twitter, the next market crash and more

I’m headed to Dallas with my family to see more family — cousins, uncles, nieces, nephews, etc. I’m also on the advisory board of a corporate technology solutions company and have a board meeting in the Big D tonight too. I get lots of insights from being on the boards I’m on.

I was interviewed at length on Ken Roberts’ Bull & Bear Radio Show. Topics include:
*Cody lists some of his personal holdings.
*How to Revolution Invest.
*How to time the market’s long-term cycles.
*How to handle the next market crash.
*Best stocks for the Wearables Revolution.
*Why he owns Sony.
Click here to listen to the full hour of Cody’s interview.

And don’t forget I’ll be speaking twice at the Las Vegas Money Show in May:

  • Wednesday, May 13, 2015 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm How to Find the Next Apple, Google, and Facebook* Cody Willard bought Apple a dozen years ago at $1 per share, Google on the day of its IPO at $45 per share and Facebook—after it crashed—at $20 per share. Want to find the next one? Make tracks for this workshop taught by growth-stock guru Cody Willard. The market has been notching one all-time high after another, so with the economy’s return to health, value stocks have been pushed out of the limelight and now’s the time for growth stocks to shine as market leaders. If you want to earn market-beating returns, year after year, this session is a can’t-miss event. Cody Willard, former Fox Business anchor, hedge fund manager, current Chairman of Scutify and publisher of TradingWithCody.com, will share his secrets for beating the market with quality growth stocks. He’ll walk you step-by-step through his time-tested investing formula, so can take what you’ve learned and start applying it the minute you leave the session!

  • Thursday, May 14, 2015
    12:45 pm – 1:30 pm The Trillion Dollar #SocialCapital Industry  With apps, smartphones and tablets making it ever easier to engage with people on social networks, the value proposition and creation mechanisms for #SocialCapital are growing exponentially. Are you maximizing your own Social Capital (#SocialCapital) every time you get online? If not, then you’re not doing it right.

And here’s another interview I gave, this one to Benzinga.com about the Wearables Revolution and Twitter’s place in it.

Is Twitter The Best Way To Invest In Wearables?

Louis Bedigian , Benzinga Staff Writer

Forget GoPro Inc and Digital Ally, Inc., the future of wearables could be Periscope, Twitter Inc’s live streaming app.

“Twitter’s Periscope is the future of streaming as we know it unless something unbelievably innovative comes out for streaming your reality lives using wearables,” Cody Willard, chairman of Scutify (a financial social network), told Benzinga. “Periscope will dominate. Periscope is the YouTube of the streaming reality life.”

Willard expects cameras to be on tennis players during Wimbledon, on NFL quarterbacks and on Kim Kardashian during red carpet events. “You’ll get to see their lives from their perspective,” said Willard. “The people that can’t get enough of Us Magazine and reality TV will eat it up. That’s just the celebrity part.”

There are other industries that will also utilize the wearable revolution.

“Porn always tries this type of technology, too,” said Willard. “And then friends, adventurists, explorers [and] pilots — you name it. Who doesn’t want to see the life from someone else’s perspective? There will be people that do it in every profession and people that follow it and people that love it and there will be TV shows built around it. It’s Periscope’s game to lose for now.”

Willard recently detailed his full thesis in an article on Trading With Cody.

Changing The Trajectory

Willard said that when Periscope launched and allowed users to stream their daily lives to other people, “it changed the trajectory of Twitter’s entire company five years out from now.”

“The potential for that is enormous,” Willard added. He said that Meerkat, the other streaming video app (which received a ton of hype but was heavily overshadowed by Periscope), shouldn’t be counted out just yet.

“It’s well-capitalized now,” said Willard. “I wouldn’t count out Meerkat entirely because this market is going to be big. There will be other streaming video companies out there. But Twitter’s ability to leverage its 300 million, 400 million-plus existing users, not to mention its tens of millions of Vine [users]. Twitter’s got synergy amongst its apps that Meerkat obviously doesn’t. Even if I could invest in Meerkat today, I would still rather buy Twitter.”

Read more: http://www.benzinga.com/analyst-ratings/analyst-color/15/04/5396164/is-twitter-the-best-way-to-invest-in-wearables#ixzz3WvMCfJ79