Weekend Reading – First Solar, Obamacare vs Scutify and Container Store IPO FAIL

The markets won’t stop til the printing press breaks. The relentless climb up the wall of worry continues, even as the bricks of worry seem to be in short supply right now. Trader’s Deep Thought of the Day is – What if the Main Street economy actually starts to show some improvement at some point in the next couple quarters as the employment ranks improve and confidence and consumption jump? Is that already priced in? Probably not, especially with the aforementioned printing press running at full speed. Easy does it for now, as we’ve been positioned for this bubble for years now and I’ve done the trading at these levels that I want to do.

In the meantime, here’s what every investor and trader needs to be reading this weekend along with some Revolution Investing commentary for each headline.

First Solar gains 16% after earnings beat – Back late last year, I “Flipped It” and went from short Solar Stocks like $AONEQ to Long Solar Stocks and I bought $FSLR . I am sticking with $FSLR and the report tonight wasn’t half bad. Consolidation and bankruptcy of competitors is definitely a continued positive for $FSLR and other solar stocks. Of the major solar stocks, I am only long First Solar.

The Container Store debuts at $36, twice IPO price – Do you remember me repeatedly explaining why it was so brilliant how Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook FB got every last dollar out of their IPO? Container Store’s management and bankers failed badly on this horrible IPO. Mainstream media thinking on this IPO process is completely wrong.

Obamacare Saw 248 Enrollments In First 2 Days: In the ‘War Room’ – Let me put just how incredible a failure this entire HealthCare.gov rollout has really been into perspective for you:

Our Scutify.com rollout, which one of my companies bought a couple months ago, was officially more than 100X more successful than Obamacare! Come sign up today as we get ready to cross the 10,000 member mark.

Google’s $349 Nexus 5 hits today with LTE, KitKat – Skinny isn’t going to win the smartphone wars. It’s all about the platforms. Google and Apple have a duopoly at this point in a very high margin business. I’ve got $MSFT Windows 7 machines, $GOOG Androids, iPhones, iPads, and several Macs. I use 99% $AAPL machines for actual work though.

Bezos, Amazon And Refusing To Act Your Age – Amazon is still smartly plowing its revenues back into its businesses to fuel topline growth so that eventually earnings will be even bigger than otherwise. But what a market cap $AMZN sports now, at $165 billion. Time to trim this one, in a tranche-kind of way, taking some maybe about 1/5 or 1/4 of our shares off the table and holding the rest steady for the long-term.

Food Stamp Cuts: Families Will Face Tough Choices, Says Marion Nestle – How is it possible that the banks like JPM and GS continue to get subsidies every month that are more than the entire cut that the Republican/Democrat Regime is trying to force on poor families? Welfare is as welfare does and methinks JPM and GS wouldn’t be very profitable without all the advantages and welfare they get from our government.

New Milestone Emerges: Baby’s First iPhone App We are continuing to see the secular growth of the smartphone/tablet/app Revolution which is exactly what we’ve been positioned for. These baby apps are yet another sign of just how crucial a part of all our lives apps really will be in the future. And on that note, don’t forget to download the Scutify App for Android – or the Scutify App for iPhone. And stay tuned for our new iOS7 Scutify App coming out next week, by the way!