Welcome, stock pick requests, and a personal note

We’ve got a lot of new members on Trading With Cody and I want to welcome all of you to the community.

If you’re new to TradingWithCody or if you’ve been a subscriber for a while but haven’t acted on much of my strategies yet and/or if you haven’t been in the markets, but you’re sick of getting 0% on your CDs, Treasuries, savings, checking, etc while watching some of the Trading With Cody picks continually hitting all-time highs this year, what should you do now?

Before you ever make any trade, step back and catch your breath before moving any money anywhere. Rank your positions and your whole portfolio and make sure you’re not about to make any emotional moves with your money.

If you haven’t yet read “Everything You Need to Know About Investing” then spend a couple hours doing so, please. It’s a quick read but chock-full of important ideas, concepts and strategies that amateurs and pros alike should understand.

Then, take a look at my own personal portfolio’s Latest Positions (you can also find my Latest Positions on the Trading With Cody Apps for iPhone and Android) and slowly start to scale into some of the ones you like best and/or the ones I have rated highest right now. I’d look to start scaling into a few of the many stocks in the Latest Positions that are at all-time highs along with a couple that we’ve recently featured in our Trade Alerts that I’ve personally been scaling into.

You can find an archive of Trade Alerts here.

Yesterday I mentioned that I’m working and rummaging through all the carnage away in the individual stocks in this market to see if we can find a few nuggets to nibble at.

If you’ve got a stock or two that you want me to take a look at, be sure to ask me by hitting reply to this email or in the Trading With Cody Chat Room which you can also find on the Trading With Cody Apps for iPhone and Android. We’re making a full list of all the companies you all are asking me about and I’ll work on each one individually.

One personal note, my little baby Amaris, who is truly a living miracle and a warrior princess, and my wife and her parents have spent the last three days 180 miles away in Albuquerque at the hospital getting a tear duct infection cleared up. Amaris was supposed to be released today, but they’re going to keep her at least one more night, so my older daughter, Lyncoln, and I are going to head up to ABQ and get the family back together until we can get all of us back to her parents’ house again.

So give me a few days to work on the stocks you asked about, but I will get each one analyzed and answered and published in a one big report for the new year.