What you should be doing as stocks sell-off big time today

The markets are down big and it’s flat out ugly out there.

I’ve been writing for the last week or so that “The path of least resistance for the broader stock markets remains sideways with a slight upward bias.” That sure feels wrong today, but I don’t suggest you try to navigate the near-term market swings anyway. I always tell investors that they should make sure whatever strategy they’re using is sustainable for at least the next 10,000 days. I still think we’re in a bubble-blowing bull market that probably has years to run, but that doesn’t mean that the market won’t correct 10% or more within that bubble-blowing bull market context.

What should you be doing as stocks sell-off big time today? Well, as always, I suggest starting slow and scaling into your favorite Revolution Investment stocks when they’re down. Since they’re down today and since some are down big from their recent highs, let’s look at three stocks from the Revolution Investing portfolio that I think look attractive right here, right now.

Ambarella – AMBA‘S been on fire but not as much as its higher-profile customer GoPro $GPRO. Looking out five years from now, I think you’ll see teens wearing Ambarella-based cams everywhere they go. I could see a HD-cam sales hitting 3-4 billion per year. Mobile phone unit sales are climbing towards 2 billion already and most all of those will have cameras in them, so a 2-3 billion unit per year market for HD cams and the chips that run them isn’t that far off.

Sony – I’ve bought Sony near $18-19 and am just letting that ride for now. I’d probably add if it got down closer to $16 and would definitely buy another tranche of SNE if it got down $15 or so. As for the reasons why– remember Hewlett-Packard HPQ at $15 when it’d been crushed for messing up its businesses and overpaying for bad acquisitions and stuff? I think $SNE is similarly crushed for messing up its businesses right now and if they get the ship righted at all, the stock would double. If Sony wearables or TVs ever take off, the stock would triple or quadruple. And if everything on the planet goes right for Sony in the next few years, the stock could be a 5-10 bagger by this time next decade. Of course, if it doesn’t right itself, the stock will be dead money and/or lower than its current $17ish quote.

Apple – If I didn’t own any AAPL, I’d start scaling into it with a small tranche of about 1/5 of whatever a full position is for you without waiting for a pullback. Then I’d look at buying a second tranche if it gets hit even just 3-4% in the near-term. And then just be patient about buying the next two-three tranches. It’s always possible that $AAPL gets hit 20% or more at some point, and although I don’t expect that to happen any time soon, I’ve owned it for 11 years and it does happen.

I’ve owned Apple for more than a decade, I’ve owned Ambarella for a few months now, and I just recently started building a position in Sony. I’m not making any trades just yet but I might do some buying before the day or the week is over if we get even more whoosh down. Easy does it. Be careful out there, as always.

Here’s the most recent Cody Underground podcast which expands on these stocks and answers other reader questions.