Where are the momo dodos?

[Latka pays Louie a coin]
Louie De Palma: What’s this?
Latka Gravas: It’s a kebble.
Louie De Palma: What’s a kebble?
Latka Gravas: 110 kebble make a lithnitch.
Louie De Palma: What’s a lithnich?
Latka Gravas: 270 lithnich make a matta.
Louie De Palma: What’s a matta?
Latka Gravas: I don’t know, what’s the matter with you? — TAXI http://youtu.be/bC9X3z8da6E

The Apple volatility on ‘roids continues. Crazy, crazy action out there and lots of longs are puking at the lows and lots of shorts are squeezing themselves out at the highs.

Are there any momentum guys left in AAPL right now? Fewer momo’s right now would mean more momo’s at the next high which could really fuel a spike or two if we ever get back near the $700 levels.

I’m holding steady my positions for now.

Where are the momo dodos? Are they in the banks and chasing up the financials? Are the momentum guys on the sidelines? Wherefore art though, momo? BAC at a new 52-week high today. Adobe is also?

Sandisk is looking like it could try to break out next. Unless I just jinxed it by writing that of course.

No trades for me today. Steady as she goes.